Thursday 24 October 2013

Can you make a happy face?

Can You Make A Happy Face? Lyrics and Actions
Key Gesture
Jack-o'-lantern - Hold both hands up by the sides of your face, palms facing forward. Tilt your head from side to side.

Can you make a happy face? Happy face? Happy face?
[Smile and point your fingers to your cheeks.]
 Can you make a happy face? Jack-o'-lantern. [Jack-o'-lantern gesture.]

Can you make an angry face? Angry face? Angry face?
[Fold your arms across your chest and make an angry face.]
Can you make an angry face? Jack-o'-lantern.

Jack-o'-lantern. Jack-o'-lantern.
Jack-o'-lantern. Jack-o'-lantern.
[Jack-o'-lantern gesture. Wiggle your fingers on the last "Jack-o'-lantern."]

Can you make a scared face? Scared face? Scared face?
[Hold your fists up to your chin and make a scared face as you lean back in fear.]
Can you make a scared face? Jack-o'-lantern.

Can you make a sad face? Sad face? Sad face?
[Frown and trace tears down your face.]
Can you make a sad face? Jack-o'-lantern.

Jack-o'-lantern. Jack-o'-lantern.
Jack-o'-lantern. Jack-o'-lantern.

Can you make a happy face? Happy face? Happy face?
I can make a happy face.

[Jack-o'-lantern gesture. Wiggle your fingers during the long "ooooooooooooooooo" part.]

Run and Draw Race
Prepare four large envelopes. Place one of the four jack-o'-lantern picture cards (happy, angry, scared, sad) in each envelope. Divide the class into four groups and have them sit in circles. Draw four pumpkin outlines on the whiteboard. Give one envelope to each group. Next, play the song "Can You Make A Happy Face, Jack-o'-lantern?" The students pass the envelope around their circles as they sing. Pause the music. The students holding the envelopes should look at the card inside, run to the whiteboard, and draw the face in the pumpkin outline. They then return to their circle and sit down. The team with the fastest person to sit down receives a point. Collect the envelopes and cards, shuffle them, and repeat the game.

from Super Simple Learning