The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a children's picture book designed, illustrated and written by Eric Carle, first published by the World Publishing Company in 1969. The book follows a caterpillar as it eats its way through a wide variety of foodstuffs before pupating and emerging as a butterfly. The winner of many children's literature awards and a major graphic design award, it has sold 30 million copies worldwide. It features distinctive collage illustrations (Carle's third book, and a new style at the time), 'eaten' holes in the pages and simple text with educational themes – counting, the days of the week, foods, and a butterfly's life stages.
Ketchup On Your Cornflakes? by Nick Sharratt
Do you like ketchup on your cornflakes by Nick Sharratt provides a flexible resource that can be used with a variety of pupils of different ages and levels. Although at first glance the book looks simplistic, the use of the split page technique allows many amusing and crazy combinations of words and images based on the structure ‘Do you like (ketchup on your cornflakes)? Do you like (custard on your ’ and so on. Linguistically, it provides an ideal context for introducing and revising the question Do you like . . .?, related vocabulary and prepositions.
Create your own book.
Winnie The Witch by Valerie Thomas
Winnie The Witch is a series of eleven picture books, written by Valerie Thomas and illustrated by Korky Paul. It is the best-selling series following the adventures of the mad and loveable Winnie and her long-suffering cat Wilbur. The original book Winnie The Witch was first published in 1987. It was reprinted nine times up until 1997 and re-issued with a new cover in 2006. The book is available as a paperback edition with an audio CD, containing the story with music and sound effects.
Winnie the Witch, Winnie's Magic Wand, Winnie Flies Again, Winnie in Winter, Winnie's New Computer, Winnie at the Seaside and more.